
Grades 1-6
OverFlow Zone @ 11:00 AM. Check-in begins @ 10:45 AM.

A worship service for kids including music, the Word of God, prayer time, and interactive games/activities.


Ages 3-Kindergarten
Room 203 @ 11:00 AM. Check-in begins @ 10:45 AM.

Kindle Kidz is a place where children can make relationships with other kids and learn about God's great love for us.

0-35 Months
Toddler Nursery @11:00 AM. Check-in begins @ 10:45 AM.

The Nursery is a place for babies feel the love and acceptance that Jesus gives through our caring volunteer ministers. 


Grade 1-6
Overflow Zone @ 6:45 PM. Check-in begins @ 6:30 PM.

A time where kids can learn from God's Word, pray together,  AND learn a lifeskill through a series of rotating FunSpaces. 

A perfect space for kids to bring their friends!

Ages 3-K
Room 206 @ 6:45 PM. Check-in begins @ 6:30 PM.

A fun, interactive time where  Pre-Schoolers learn about God's special Book - the BIble, through interactive lessons, songs, games, and crafts.