Do It In Love   Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:15 - 16

“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”  

I do hope if you are married, or if you are dating that you remembered that today is Valentines Day. I know I most certainly did for my beautiful bride, with a thoughtful (a bit mushy too) card, and a couple of chocolate treats for her, which I know from past experience she will share with me along the wayJ

While there is only one Valentines Day a year, in the church of the living God, the body of Christ, we are called each and every day to, ‘Do It In Love’, one to another, because in Jesus we all belong to each other, and there are absolutely no parts that are any more important than the other. When we are building one another up, we will come into that place of the unity of the Spirit of God that is so winsome to the world, and more people will come to know the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus.

When we choose to speak words to one another, they will be those that are kind, loving, edifying not only to the people we address, but even perhaps more importantly to the people who are listening to the words proceeding from our lips. As we walk and talk in this manner we will indeed become more and more like Jesus our living and loving Lord and Savior.

The church will be strengthened and built up as everyone finds their place of service and ministry together. When we work together, we grow together, and there is health that comes to the body.

Of course the overflowing and most important characteristic that flows from these sacrifices of our hearts and lives is that we will be filled with and fueled by the amazing love of God and together do great works for His Kingdom and His greater glory.    

Prayer My Father in heaven on this Valentines Day when people are expressing their love one to the other, I want to say thank-You for the amazing grace, love and mercy that are ours because of the sacrifice of Your one and only Son Jesus Christ. Help me to be filled to overflowing with Your great love, finding my place of ministry in the body, working together with my brothers and sisters that many more will come to find life through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.  

Memory Verse: James 1:17a “Whatever is _____ and ________ comes down to us from God our _______, who ________ all the lights in the heavens.”