A Different Kind of Peace Scripture Reading – John 14:27 (NLT)
"I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."
I suppose that in this world everyone enjoys a certain type of peace at different times in their lives. Happy occasions such as the birth of a new child, the joining of one of your children in marriage, a good report from the doctor after a battery of tests. Peace like this is circumstantial and comes and goes at times like the weather - there will be warm and sunny days, but there will also be dark and stormy days.
This is not the kind of peace that Jesus Christ is speaking about, His peace is not based upon our circumstances - which will be both rainy and sunny this side of heaven. Rather His gift of peace is, 'A Different Kind of Peace'. It comes from the inside out. It is that which realizes that everything, absolutely everything that comes into our lives is, Father filtered first.
Such peace cannot be bought with any amount of money and certainly does not come from this world, but Jesus gift of peace comes at the great expense of His precious body and blood given for our brokenness on the cross. Remember it is our living and loving Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Prince of Peace!
The result of our receiving and reminding ourselves of His gift is that both our hearts and minds can come to rest in a world that at times is seemingly running away from God, and out of control - or in our lives when those circumstances come that seem to make absolutely no sense at all.
Prayer My Father in Heaven I rejoice in the gift of peace that Jesus my Savior has promised for my life. Right now I bring every circumstance and situation in and around my life and acknowledge that You are in control, You are in charge. I receive this gift of peace right now in my heart and mind in Jesus mighty name.
Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:3 NLT "Make every _______ to keep yourselves ________ in the _________, __________ yourselves together with ________."