Wise Guys & Gals Too   Scripture Reading: Colossians 4:5 - 6

“Live wisely among those who are not believers and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.”  

Here it is my friends – this is the only Tuesday, February 21, 2017 that God is ever going to grace to us. So let today’s text encourage each and every one of us who name the name of Jesus to be, ‘Wise Guys & Gals Too’!

Truth be told, people are watching me and you, all that we say and all that we do. If they are not yet believer’s and have not yet come to know the goodness and grace of God through the forgiveness that only Jesus can bring, we are the prime advertisement of what it means to belong to the family of God and find forgiveness and life in Jesus name.

So we are to ask God to give us wisdom as how to live and what to say because we are the representatives of Jesus Christ before their eyes and for their lives. To be sure today is yet another day that God has purposed to do good things through our lives in Jesus name. So may you and I maximize each and every opportunity that comes along the Way. Because for the Christian child of God, there are no coincidences only God graced incidences!

When it comes to the words that you speak out loud, may they all be seasoned with the grace of God. Words that are kind, that build up and edify, that bring people hope in Jesus name. It is these kinds of words that allow you to testify to the life that you have in Christ Jesus. When God gives you this opportunity, do not be afraid to speak out and tell the story of God’s goodness in your life, but do it with gentleness and respect, not only speaking out but looking at the person you are speaking into, and listening for their response, even sensing their hearts.

For these are the days that God is continually calling more people to come and find the same life that you found in Jesus name. And you are the instrument that God has called and chosen to shine forth with new life in His name. Who knows if any of us will have tomorrow, but He has gifted us with today. Let’s live it with our eyes, ears and hearts open wide to all that God is bringing across our pathway.  

Prayer My Father in heaven I pray that You will fill me with Your wisdom, open my heart, ears and eyes to all of the possibilities that You are bringing across my pathway this day. Help me to draw people to Jesus in all that I think, do and say I ask in His mighty name.  

Memory Verse: Matthew 6:14 “If ___ _______ those who ___ against you, your ________ Father will forgive you.”