I Hope So Scripture Reading: Lamentations 3:21 - 24
“Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this. The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness, his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my inheritance, therefore, I will hope in him!”
How is it in some of the desert seasons, midnight hours and storms of life that we are supposed to keep our heads above water? What about when things may be happening that we seem to have no control over, yet are breaking our hearts and sapping our strength?
Even if you or I are not going through this kind of a situation right now, we need to tuck today’s lament away, because some day, some season, each and every one of us personally will need to remember, refresh, realize and rehearse these truths. And today if you find yourself in a summer season or even a time of amazing harvest, give thanks to God for His goodness on your life.
For those who have not yet found their hope and salvation in Christ they do not have this promise. True they may have times of sunshine and success, for our God allows His sun to shine on both the just and the unjust.
However, they will also have to enter into the winter seasons of life, and those alone if they do not call out to the Lord, not to mention the fact that eternity is at stake if they do not find salvation in Jesus. However, for you and I at all times my sister and brother we need to remember that we are never alone, not even for a millisecond! Therefore because of your relationship with God through Jesus Christ you and I always can come with our heads lifted high in faith believing, saying and praying, ‘I Hope So’!
Sometimes our love may grow weak, or even fluctuate, but not so our God in heaven, for His faithfulness never ends and His love is constant. When you and I need to receive His mercy, His arms are open wide through Jesus Christ our Lord. The fact is that our God’s mercies are rich and brand new each and every morning. Understand this my friends, for if they were not, there is not a one of us who would be here any longer.
Yes, you do have a rich and great inheritance in Jesus Christ my friends. This is why you and I have an unshakable hope and faith. It is this reality that we are called not only to build up and encourage one another with, but to take to the world that needs to know that Jesus Christ came, lived, bled and died on the cross for their sins, rose from the dead, and is at the right hand of the Father ever interceding for their eternal salvation.
PrayerHeavenly Father, how I rejoice for the eternal hope and salvation that is ours because we belong to You, and have an eternal inheritance in heaven. Fill me with this hope in every season of my life and use me to point others to life in Jesus I pray in His holy name.
Memory Verse: Matthew 6:14“If ___ _______ those who ___ against you, your ________ _______ will forgive you.”