Anyone and Everyone Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 3:9

“The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.” 

Jesus disciples after they saw Him risen from the dead and ascending into heaven fully expected that in their lifetimes they all would witness His return and the setting up of His earthly kingdom. The early church also lived with the constant expectation that Jesus Christ could return at any time, and that awareness ordered their lives and loves. There were even some of those first generation believers who were concerned that they had already missed the promised return of Jesus!

Yet, my sister and brother here we are, more than two thousand years after Jesus rose, and we must ask ourselves the question, ‘What is He or what are we waiting for?’ Today’s text answers that question in the clearest and most concise way possible. Our God is not being slow in any measure about the promised return of Jesus Christ.

Rather He is waiting because of, ‘Anyone and Everyone’! Even if there are still those who perhaps think He is slow in His coming, or perhaps is not even coming at all, this simply is not the case. The reason Jesus has not yet returned is because of the amazing grace, love, mercy and patience of God our Heavenly Father.

God does not want anyone, anywhere to be destroyed. So He is waiting for those of us in the church the body of Christ to do His bidding and see that this Good News of the Gospel of Jesus is taken to the ends of the earth. When this Gospel of the Kingdom is taken to and preached to all of the nations, then the end will come.

God wants everyone to repent, to come to know Jesus and find forgiveness for their sins and the life that only He can bring. Will everyone be saved? No they will not, because God has given them the freedom to choose. But He has entrusted you and I with the great privilege and responsibility of making the name of Jesus known, the ways of Jesus shown to those who have yet to hear the Good News that Jesus saves! 

Prayer Heavenly Father I thank-You once again for another day to serve You and show the love of Jesus Christ to others in this world. I remember the missionaries who have gone out to the ends of the earth. Be with them today, strengthen them and prosper their work as they lift up the name of Jesus. Use me to these ends each and every day until I see Jesus face to face, I pray in His name. 

Memory Verse: Psalm 51:12“_______ to ___ the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.”